Creation Reformation Publishing provides books that show logical and rational reasons to embrace God's creation of all living things according to the Bible's Genesis account.
We are Christian in our faith and our worldview. We hold, for example, to the beliefs expressed in the Nicene Creed.
We affirm–along with Jesus and the apostles–that the Genesis account of creation is true history. A real, historical Adam and Eve as the first humans created in God’s image stands as a theological necessity for the Gospel. Without a first Adam and the fall due to his sin, there is no second Adam (Jesus Christ) being a risen savior.
We take a high view of science, believing that origins science should be practiced free of any imposed assumptions about causes in nature. For example, modern science that demands only natural causes to explain our human origins is handicapped; such science is unnecessarily self-limiting on the topic of human origins. If God is our creator, then scientists constrained to consider only natural causes will never find truth.
We place a high value on truth. Truth is not changed by what anyone thinks about it. And truth is not changed by those who say creation by God cannot be logically inferred as a scientific matter.
We believe that the Church has been needlessly accommodating to naturalistic theories of evolution as an explanation for human beings. This capitulation of sacred duty has contributed greatly to the loss of faith among a generation of young people and adults from the faith. If God did not create humans, then what do humans owe to God?
In conjunction with Creation Reformation, Creation Reformation Publishing seeks to take back the creation narrative.
It's time for a Creation Reformation.